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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

That boy is like a disease.....

or....The symphony of the 5 dollar canned air.

I must be getting old.

I remember when you could buy canned air for 3.00. Wal-marts now sells it for about 6 bucks. Dollar general for 5. I guess the industry figured that with all these stupid kids huffing it, that they'd do the same thing they did to cigarettes. Raise the price. Because just like with cigarettes, it doesn't matter what brand you huff, they all do the same thing. Kill you. But the name brands taste better.

Something else is telling me that I'm getting old.

I'm starting to have little to no patience for people who waste their lives. I remember when I first got the internet, I submerged myself in it. I was depressed, live in a town with nothing to do, was chasing after a guy who didn't wanna be with me, and then came the internet. Funny, I'm still chasing guys that don't wanna be with me.

I have never had a problem with long distance relationships. I never had a physical need. I can get myself off just fine thanks. I'm more of an emotional connection person.

My problem though is that I'm too nice of a person. And I always fall for these guys who are emotionally unavailable, bankrupt or there's a string attached. I always pick the real winners. You know the type. They're nice but they have more baggage then amtrak. Or they are obsessed with sex. Or they are emotionally apathetic. They womanize. They objectify. They have no purpose in life, no drive, they don't really do anything with their lives.

Maybe it's me being 26, maybe it was being married for 3 years, maybe it's this assanine childish divorce, but I just can't do it anymore. I don't even wanna be around these guys anymore. These are the same guys that give me slack when I don't return their obnoxious sexual advances or....I'm not online.

Hey man I spent a good portion of my life sucked into the internet. I need to breathe. I have a mother, my college, hobbies, interests, and a spinal condition which really means......when I am on the internet, I'm trying to relax. I'm all for fun and games, but my love, my time, and my attraction is too precious to just give away freely, so take a number, grow up and get in line.

At 26....I'm not looking for one night stands, and relationships with conditions. I'm tired of the juvenile games. I'm looking for something and someone real. I want someone with goals and ambitions. Someone with a sense of humor. Someone the deals in reality. I need someone who doesn't dwell on the past. I need someone honest and open. I need someone compassionate and loving. I need someone flirty, fun and dirty at times. I need someone with a mix of manners and personality. I'm not settling.

So the trend needs to stop. I need a best friend, not some fair weather freak show. I want unconditional....not puppet strings. I'm sick of wasting my time.

Just like I'm sick of paying 5.00 for canned air because when you compare bad relationships to canned air, no matter how you package it, paint it, price it, display it, or hype the end. It's the same thing. Thin air.

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