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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nail Polish, Makeup Junkie, And Oh Yeah! I Still Have THIS!

I didn't forget I had a blog but medical problems pretty much just put you into a corner and make it so that some things need to go on the back burner until you finally feel up to come out swinging. The good news is this time I came out swinging with a plan for this ye olde blog of mine! In addition to my ramblings of my day to day life I'm going to start reviewing my nail polish finds, makeup pick ups, fashion steals and whatever else I come across.

The fact is these past few months I've been shopping, bargain hunting, thrifting, and justing retail therapying like a fiend and if I don't start sharing my finds with the world, I'm going to start going INSANE. I also may have a nice BIG HUGE MAJOR little announcement come my birthday on the 31st that will become an intrical part of my mish mosh messy blog.

The truth is I just like to write, and I love nail polish, and fashion, and good buys, and steals, and vintage, and I love my blog which good heavens needs a make over so expect that in the coming days. Need a new version and maybe if I knew how to design an actual blog I could stop using cut and paste backgrounds, but I digress.

I also get to do sample offers sometimes and I would love to share my sneak peeks with you guys when I can! So expect a complete overhaul for this blog. 

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