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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

To: Crazy Obsessed E-Wrestlers

When I started e-w a few years ago, it was a magical world full of talent, friendships, some budding romances, and close knit groups. It was about friendly competition and earning the respect of your peers based on your manners, your ability and your general attitude. So I pose one simple question.

What the hell happened?

When did the friendly competition end? When did the egos over an internet hobby become so rampant and huge that rivalries and wars were waged and friendships torn apart because of petty jealousy and grudges. When did this stop being fun for some, and start being a way of life for so many? In my experience I have never found myself to be in a position where I would turn on my friends and slash my comrades out of the picture over an silly ficticious internet belt that is non-existant and is only means to a claim of admiration. I have never let a losing streak consume me to the point where I would deprive myself of sleep and sunlight just to beat "the one". Never have I found myself in a position where I let my blood pressure raise because of negative sentiments I recieved because I won. So I ask again, when did this become a way of life for some?

What do we really obtain when we alienate ourselves from everybody, wage grudges and belittle those who we envy, hate and sneer because of a hobby that to most, is little more then fan fiction, evolved and RPG stepped up? In my experience I have gained nothing of monotary value aside from a few good friends, a man whom I love, and an outlet for my agressions and my mental conceptions. The only things I have ever gained from this hobby is headaches from people who take it too seriously, I lost a few friends along the way because they fell into the vicious trap of caring too much, and I found myself along the way. Through e-wrestling I was able to find a means to chase my dreams, market myself and become an icon for people like me.

I never understood why people take this so seriously. I wish I could get inside their heads and find out what it is, what low self-esteem, what combatant of human nature, what, ill willed desire to be the best at everything, would drive a person to take something so minor, so seriously that it becomes a fraction of their life. The belts, aren't real, the matches, aren't real, the roleplays are renditions of our inner demons and personal flaws, our childhood fears and our personal endeavors, nobody really wins the matches that are written. Nobody really get's anywhere, sure a few become notorious in multiple e-w circles, I would like to think that I am notorious, but if I am not, I will not lose any sleep. There is no best, nobody will ever be the best. Somebody will always be better. Your best is only as good as the last card as there is always somebody watching you and wanting to be you so much that they pick apart the flaws in your perception and style and perfect them, only to surpass you.

I am not the best at what I do and I will not pretend I am. I have "won" many titles in my "career" in e-w, but it is all just smoke and mirrors, glitter and glam. The real reward is the respect you gain. I have the respect and admiration of so many because of the talents I have shared. I cannot fathom the attitudes of those who live by the creed of kill or be killed. Why have an ego over a hobby that rewards that which you take and that only. If your lifes only ambition is to dominate a fantasy hobby, then I pity you. If your only goal in doing e-w is to see how many people you can screw, how well you can play Vince McMahon and Triple H, then I pity you. If you apply more effort to your roleplays in an effort to win, then you do to socialize with those around you, then I pity you.

Please, keep your bitching to yourself. There are children starving in the world, terrorists at large, AIDs needs cured, the last thing we, the sane e-wrestlers of the world care about is your conspiracy theorys and your constant bitching about a hobby that is run and participated in by those who have lives off of the computer. The ice caps are melting, the gas is too high and taxes are going up, we, the sane e-wrestlers of the hobby, don't care that you lost or the one million reasons why you are better then your opponent. You lost. If it hurts that much, please go drink some bleach. Children are being abducted from Wal-Marts, serial killers are on the loose, there are innocent men on death row, we do not care how many belts you won in Fed A. This is fed B, if Fed A was so good, please, go back there, I am sure they missed you. Sharks are eating children, there are Rabbits sporting rabies, we are only a few mishandled scientific experiments away from a real Resident Evil, if you have offers from other feds and all you can do is bitch about the one you are in, please, show yourself the door. Nobody cares. We all get along, you seemingly don't and chances are, we don't want your negativity around anyways.

In closing.

It's just a game. Please. For all our sakes, get a real life.

Or a therapist.

The majority of those who are tired of your bitching.

Have a nice day! =)